This is late summer of '03. Turned up the F stop. The thermometers for the freezer and fridge are under the watermaker pressure gauge. The soap dispenser can be seen through the splash guard. The new stove is yet to be used, but the wine glasses are seeing righteous duty. Oh, there is an old adage about how boats are suppose to creak and groan under sail. All of the bulkheads are set in polyurethane. The only sound that can be heard under sail, while below in the main cabin, is the sea rushing around the hull.
When the boat was new, she floated so high in the stern that the entire top of the rudder was exposed while at rest. (no crew) And that was with the same propane bottle in the stern and 12v refrigeration there too. Now? She's heavier. But she sits perfectly on her lines. (actually, an inch above) Can't ask for more than that. I think the extra weight was worth it.